When deciding to grow some weed, whether you are experienced or a beginner, one of the first things you need to consider is whether you want to use feminized seeds or autoflower seeds. The difference between the two is pretty significant, so it's important that you understand how each one behaves and choose the type that best suits your style of growing. 

This article dives into the main differences between the two so that you have the knowledge and understanding of what will work for you.

What are autoflowering cannabis seeds?

The one thing that makes auto seeds so unique is that they don't depend on a light schedule to start their flowering growth stage. As their name suggests (we like to keep things nice and simple in the weed-growing world) this happens automatically. Instead, they flower based on a time schedule.

Autoflowers are usually smaller than feminized plants, so you will almost always get a little less yield, however, because they aren't dependent on light cycles, you will be able to get more harvests each year. This makes autoflowers super popular for beginner growers.

Characteristics of autoflowering plants

Autoflowering seeds are quick to grow, which is the main reason they are so popular with growers.

From seed to harvest they can take as little as 8 to 12 weeks. Although they grow fast, they are generally a fair bit smaller than feminized seeds, so will give you a smaller yield. Autoflowers are also notoriously hardy and robust.

Something great about autoflowering seeds is that you can grow multiple plants and stagger their stages, all under the same light. This can give you what is known as perpetual harvest, where you have a constant supply of buds being pumped out every month or so, instead of having to wait.

Advantages of autoflowering plants

Autoflowers are a great choice if you're looking for a quick and relatively easy grow. They can go from seed to harvest in 8 to 12 weeks, and they also allow you to get multiple harvests each year.

They are also strong and resilient, which means they need less maintenance than feminized seeds. Autoflowers can also be grown indoors or outdoors, giving the grower different options to suit their setting.

Disadvantages of autoflowering plants

Some autoflowers are known to be a little lighter in terms of potency compared to feminized seeds, however, the biggest disadvantage is the amount of yield that you get from each harvest. Feminized seeds will get you far more bud come harvest time.

Another thing to keep in mind is if you are planning to use some stress training techniques like topping or lollipopping, I would suggest keeping clear of autos unless you have a really good understanding of the strain and know it can take the extra stress and bounce back quickly.

What are feminized cannabis seeds?

Feminized seeds are really popular with growers because they are bred specifically so they produce only female plants. Male plants do not produce buds, so most growers stick to the ladies unless they are looking to breed new strains.

When harvest time comes, your tent, room, or garden will be filled with resin-producing plants that smell, look, and feel delicious.

With the certainty of growing only female plants, you don't have to worry about male plants pollinating female plants, which can go on to ruin your crop.

Characteristics of feminized plants

Feminized seeds are different from autos because they rely solely on a light schedule in order to flower. If you are growing outdoors, this happens naturally with the change of seasons, however, if you are growing indoors you will need to change your light schedule yourself to a 12/12 cycle (12 hours lights on, 12 hours lights off) to get the flowering stage going.

They also typically grow a lot bigger than autos, which means you will get a far bigger yield when harvest rolls around. Feminized seeds are also great for more experienced growers who are looking to use stress training techniques like topping.

Advantages of feminized plants

The main advantage of feminized seeds is that they produce a lot more bud when it's time to harvest, compared to autos.

Feminized seeds also offer a lot of flexibility for growers to use stress training techniques, which can help you get even higher yields.

Another advantage is that feminized seeds are generally more potent than autos, with a lot of the strongest strains on the market being feminized seeds. So, if you are a long-time smoker looking for an intense high, feminized seeds are the way to go.

Disadvantages of feminized plants

Feminized seeds are great; however, they can be pretty high maintenance. As a grower, you will need to make sure they are getting the right nutrients, their light cycle is correct, and the grow room temperature/humidity is right. All these factors make feminized plants a little more suitable for experienced growers.

Another slight downside is how long they take to mature. Unlike autos that can be ready from seed to harvest in as little as 8 to 12 weeks, feminized seeds will take upwards of 16 weeks, depending on the grow conditions, and how long you decide to keep the plants in the vegetative growth period. 

Autoflowering vs feminized: the key differences

feminized plants in the flowering stage

Growth period and flowering times

  • Autoflowers: Autos are fast-producing plants, giving you a seed-to-harvest time of around 8 to 12 weeks.
  • Feminized Seeds: You will have to wait a little longer for your feminized seeds, with seed-to-harvest usually taking somewhere between 16 and 20 weeks.

Yield and potency

Typically, feminized seeds are known for producing more potent buds that will give you a stronger and more intense high. However, recent advancements are starting to blur these lines, with some auto strains offering just as high potency levels as well.

Another main difference is the amount of bud you get from each plant. The yield from a feminized seed will be a lot higher than autos when it comes to harvest time.

One thing that autos have going for them is their ability to have multiple harvests each year, due to the short seed-to-harvest time. So, although the yield for each harvest is smaller than feminized seeds, over the course of a year, you will probably get as much bud, if not more from your autos.

Environmental requirements

Feminized seeds usually need a fair bit more maintenance, such as nutrients, light scheduling, humidity and temperature control, which makes them more suitable for experienced growers.

Autos are a lot easier to take care of, which makes them great for beginner growers, people with less free time, or people without perfect grow room setups.

Ease of cultivation

Generally speaking, autos are easier to grow and more suitable for beginners. This is because of their low maintenance and the fact they don't rely on a light schedule to start flowering. In saying this, there are still a bunch of fantastic, feminized strains that are pretty easy to grow as well.

If you are a beginner grower, don't get stuck in the mindset that you can only grow autos. We always encourage growers to try their hand at growing some feminized seeds as well and see how they go!

Which seeds are right for you?

a close up image of lots of cannabis seeds

Choosing whether feminized or autos are right for you depends on a number of different factors. If you are a beginner grower, with a limited grow space and looking for a quick seed-to-harvest, then autos are the way to go.

Alternatively, if you are a bit more experienced, have a good grow setup, looking to use some stress training techniques, and don't mind a longer seed-to-harvest turnaround, feminized seeds will be more suitable for you.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Seeds

FactorAutoflower SeedsFeminized Seeds
Grow SpaceBest suited for small spacespreferably for large spaces
PotencyGenerally lighter potency (though some new strains have high potency)High potency
YieldLower yield but faster turnaroundHigh yield
Time CommitmentSuitable for those with less timeSuitable for those with more free time
Growth DurationFast-growing cycleLonger growth cycle
Stress Training TechniquesNot suitableSuitable for advanced techniques
MaintenanceLower maintenanceRequires more attention


Do autoflowering plants produce less THC than feminized plants?

Generally speaking, autoflowering seeds have lower THC levels, which produces a slightly weaker high when smoking. However, new autoflowering strains with potency levels similar to feminized seeds are becoming more available to growers all around the world.

Can you grow autoflowering and feminized plants together?

Growing autoflowering seeds in the same room as feminized seeds can be tricky. This is because the two different types of seeds require different light schedules to start the flowering stage. This is not to say it is impossible, but it is definitely more work than choosing one type of seed per grow room.

How long does it take for autoflowering plants to mature?

Autos are great if you are looking for a quick seed-to-harvest turnaround. Most auto strains take between 8–12 weeks from when you first germinate the seed to the time you can start snipping away those beautiful buds. This is what makes autos so popular for beginner growers.

Are feminized plants more difficult to grow than autoflowering plants?

Feminized seeds generally take a bit more effort to grow than autos. This is because they require a little more maintenance, but not a whole lot.

Can autoflowering plants be grown indoors and outdoors?

One of the great things about autos is how versatile and resilient they are, making them perfect for both indoor and outdoor grows. Just keep in mind if you are growing outdoors to be aware of extreme weather as well as things like pests and insects that could ruin your crop.