This guide will cover everything you need to learn to master sea of green (SOG) and boost your yields with minimal effort. From selecting the right strains and pot sizes to perfecting plant density and light cycles. Learn step-by-step techniques and discover how many plants to grow for optimal results.

What is the sea of green method for cannabis?

The Sea of Green (SOG) method of growing weed is one of many techniques that maximizes yield by growing lots of small plants packed close together. This approach focuses on creating a canopy of buds (hence the name ‘sea of green’) and is ideal for anyone with limited space to grow or those that want to grow some bud with minimal effort.

How much can you yield with the sea of green method?

cannabis plants flowering in a sea of green

Using the Sea of Green method, you should be able to yield between 1 to 2 ounces of bud per plant on average – if you are growing autos then it will be closer to 1 ounce, whereas photoperiods may achieve 2 ounces.

Typically, SOG is the kind of method you would use if you wanted to get maximum bud production from a small grow tent without needing to worry about topping or training your plants too much. However, if you partner SOG with LST training methods you can get even better results – it all just depends on how much time you have to tend to your plants.

Step by step how to SOG cannabis:

  1. Select Your Strain: Choose a cannabis strain suitable for the SOG method. Indica’s or autoflowers are normally best because of their shorter growing time and short bushy structure which makes them easier to maintain indoors.
  2. Prepare Your Space: Set up your grow space with good lighting. Use high-intensity lights like LED or HPS and try to get an even light distribution across all of your plants. Make sure you have enough lighting for the number of plants you have in your tent/space.
  3. Plant Spacing: Space your plants closely. Most growers have 1 to 2 plants per square foot. This density will help you to create a uniform canopy of buds.
  4. Vegging Period: Keep the vegetative stage short, around 3-5 weeks to make them small and manageable. The goal is to grow lots of small 10–18-inch plants really quickly.
  5. Pruning and Training: When the plants get bushy on top and start to compete for light trim lower branches and leaves to direct more of the plant's energy to the top buds. You can also use low-stress training techniques such as SCROG or LST to encourage horizontal growth and space out branches.
  6. Switch to Flowering: After about 2-5 weeks of veg growth (depending on the size of your plants) you can then flip your light cycle to 12/12 and start the flowering stage (with autos this will not be necessary).
  7. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly check your plants for mold and make sure you have a good amount of airflow in your tent. Adjust your branches and try your best to space the plants out so your buds have room.
  8. Harvest: Once the buds are mature and ready, usually after 8-10 weeks of flowering, it is time for you to start harvesting your cannabis plants.

How much space should you leave between pots in a SOG grow?

cannabis plant pots spaced out using sea of green

In a Sea of Green grow, you should be leaving about 6 to 12 inches of space between pots. This will allow you to maximize the number of plants you can fit in your grow area, will still give them room to grow. Bear in mind though that the exact spacing you give each plant will also vary depending on pot size and strain. For example, if you are growing Big Bud in large pots, you should expect the plant to grow larger than normal, hence you will need to allow a bit more space.

What type of cannabis strains are best for SOG?

Indica-dominant strains or autoflowers are best for the Sea of Green method. This is because they tend to grow short and bushy, which makes them easier to maintain and better suited to creating a dense canopy of buds. They also have shorter flowering times, allowing for quicker harvest cycles. Strains like Northern Lights, Blueberry, and OG Kush are popular choices for SOG grows.

How many plants should you use for a SOG grow?

cannabis growing indoors using sea of green

For a SOG grow, you should use approximately 1 to 2 plants per square foot. This density helps create a uniform canopy and maximizes light distribution. For example, in a 4x4 foot grow space, you would typically grow 16 to 32 plants. The exact number will vary depending on the strain and pot size though so this might need to adjusting slightly.


What pot size is best for SOG?

Small pots, typically 1 to 3 gallons, are best for SOG. Remember the goal is to have lots of small plants. Individually they will not be massive yields but together they will produce a solid amount of bud.

What is the difference between SOG and Scrog?

SOG focuses on growing lots of small plants in a small grow space with minimal maintenance, with the goal being accumulated yield rather than each plant being big. Whereas ScrOG uses fewer plants with a screen to train and spread out branches for maximum light exposure and yield for each single plant.

How many plants in a 4x4 SOG?

In a 4x4 SOG, you can grow 16 to 32 plants.

When is the best time to flip the lights for SOG?

The best time to flip the lights for SOG is after 2-5 weeks of the vegetative stage growth. However, keep in mind that this is just a rule of thumb, and it depends on how big your plants are. If they are still small, you can let them grow a little more trying to aim for them to be 10-18 inches tall.

Mastering the Sea of Green method can significantly enhance your cannabis yields, even in small spaces. By choosing the right strains as well, optimizing pot sizes, and managing plant density, you should be able to create a uniform canopy that has maximum light exposure giving you solid yields without too much work.