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How much is a zip of weed?

Weed culture is full of seemingly never-ending slang that, to the uninitiated at least, can be a tad confusing. One such word, used mostly in the USA but increasingly in other countries too, is "zip".
But what exactly does it mean in the context of marijuana?
And how much weed does a zip contain?
Let's hit the streets and find out.
How much is a zip of weed?
A 'ZIP' of weed is a word that describes one full ounce of buds.
While most of the world has moved away from the imperial system for most things, the old-world style of measuring reigns supreme when it comes to the weight of weed. Sure, you'll most often ask for a gram when buying smaller amounts. But, as soon as you are trying to get your hands on more than a bud or two, it's more than likely that you will be asking for an ounce, or parts of an ounce (all of which have their own slang names, obviously).
After a single gram, normal measurements for bags of the stick-icky usually involve:
- A Dime - 1 gram of weed
- An eighth - 3.5 grams, or an eighth of an ounce or zip
- A quarter - 7 grams, or one quarter of an ounce or zip
- A dub - Normally between 1-2 grams (a dub of weed is a $20 bag)
- A halfer - 14 grams, or a half ounce or zip
- An ounce - 28 grams, or one zip
- A four-pack - 112 grams, or four ounces or zips
In recreationally legal states, a zip or ounce is usually the largest amount of bud that an adult over the age of 21 can legally buy.
How much does a zip of weed weigh?
A zip of weed weighs exactly 28 grams which is equal to one ounce.
How many joints and blunts are in a zip of weed?
That all depends on how big you like to roll your joints or blunts. And if you prefer smoking spliffs (a mix of weed and tobacco), that's also going to affect how much weed you use.
On average, a zip of weed can yield around 28 - 56 joints. Spliff smokers can push that out even further thanks to the addition of tobacco, but that's not something we suggest at all. Tobacco is full of harmful chemicals, and nicotine has been proven to be highly addictive. Stick to the good old green.
Blunt wraps are bigger than most rolling papers, so it isn't uncommon for 1.5 - 2 grams of weed to be rolled into a single blunt. This means that you could potentially get around 14 - 22 blunts out of a zip.
How much does a zip of weed cost?
This is very much location-dependent. In legal states, it is usually a little cheaper than the states still lagging behind in terms of legalization. On average, a zip of weed can cost anywhere from $100 - $400.
Of course, this also depends on the weed's quality and whether it was grown locally or imported.
Good weed costs more, bad buds cost less - and it all costs more if it is still illegal where you live, pretty simple.
The 'size' of a zip can also vary pretty wildly, depending on the density of the buds and how big the buds actually are. The stems don't weigh much, but in huge buds, they can make a sizeable difference. Indica strains tend to grow much denser buds than their Sativa counterparts, which can be a lot more airy.
How long should a zip of weed last you?
Here at 420seeds, we are anything but judgemental.
A Zip should last you however long it lasts, based on how often you like to get high, or how often you need to medicate. Some medicinal cannabis patients only need a few small puffs each day to find relief, while others may smoke several joints throughout the day to manage their symptoms.
For recreational users, a zip can last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to a few months, depending on how much and how often they smoke. It's all about personal preference and tolerance levels.
You should smoke, vape, eat, or dab your weed however much or little you like, as long as it doesn't interfere with daily life and responsibilities.
How to store your zip of weed properly
Once you've grabbed your zip of weed, the next step is to make sure it stays fresh and potent until you're ready to use it. Here are some tips for proper storage:
- Use an airtight container - This will prevent any air from getting in and drying out your buds. Mason jars are your best bet.
- Keep it in a cool, dark place - Light and heat can also degrade the quality of your weed. A cabinet or closet is a good spot.
- Keep it away from moisture - Too much humidity can cause mold to grow on your buds. Make sure your container is completely dry before you seal up that jar.