Ortega Regular by Mr Nice - 15 Seeds

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Ortega was originally made a little different from Nevil when he was doing his Seedbank thing with Sensi...
Price: US$87.63
THC Content15%-18%
Flowering Time8-10 Weeks
BreederMr Nice
GeneticsFull Afghan (NL#1 x NL#5)

Strain Traits


Shantibaba made a selection from an old school set of seeds that originated from NL#1 and NL#5...from mid 80s. It is expected to keep a good Christmas tree structure in growth and flowers in 6-8 weeks, giving strong fruity, deep berry flavors . It is an excellent all round effect and acts for many like a night medicine. Aids sleep disorders well and muscular conditions...a must try. Due to the predominance of Afghan origins this strain usually finishes outside in the Nth Hemisphere between 10-20 th of October but you can find some earlier. In the southern Hemisphere it should finish in March-April. Difficult to say anything negative about this strain, and should be on the first try seeds from MNS camp.Once you find a keeper in this strain it will act as a bread and butter strain for you and fellow users. It has the potential to be narcotic depending upon the time of day you use it.
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